Friday, 14 January 2011


i must admit i have the indoors blues at the moment , i have been battling with my asthma and this stupid cold for what seems like weeks now, and everytime i think that i have got it licked, another wave of wheeziness cuts in and i am left feeling weaker than a baby. Internally i beat myself up about not being able to finish my household jobs and keep to a routine. i hear family members indirectly asking for help and know that i am not able to give them it at the moment , and my every move is watched by a husky and a young adult. This has left me at the bottom of the ladder so to speak and all the time chastising myself because i want to be super slave and look after everyone else about me.
Master as normal has been monitoring the situation and must have realised just how low i felt.......because yesterday He decided to take me on a mystery car tour and we ended up in a town near the sea where He treated me to a lovely lunch of fresh cooked cod and chips. You have no idea how lovely it was just to get away from the four walls of our house and sit and eat a food that is a luxary to me as i am meant to be watching my weight.
After we had both finished , he took me up the high street and i was allowed a new book....(It's beautiful , silk covered and a dragonfly embroided on the front ... ) to write my routines and stuff in . This time i cant see it getting lost that easily as it is big enough to see and best of all the magpie that normally collects paper to scribble on will not want it as it is "pink" . i also managed to buy Him a new filofax... something that probably wasnt essential but was a thing that He liked.
By this time i was exhausted and so i was taken back to home , but i felt strangley at peace with the house, and ready to admit until i got completely better life would just have to wait for me.
Thankyou Master for giving me so much time and love yesterday, i am blessed and well cared for to have You in my life.

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

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