Tuesday, 15 March 2011

 Yesterday, after blogging on here, the dog and i went for our ramble round the block and i saw again some of natures beautiful art work. The picture was of a field that is near us , but geographically speaking we are far higher than this land, and for some reason ( i am not a person that is clever and has allot of knowledge about these things), the pasture was topped with a thick covering of foggy cloud ,which in itself was topped with the reflection of the sun. Man can not produce such colours and beauty in the artificial paintbox that we have .
i loved the golds, oranges and even a darker red that was topping this misty shroud the field was wearing and i was sad to not have anything with me to record the glory of it all for another day, when  mother natures choice is greys and blacks. So this morning will find me retracing my route to see if it occurs the same time (or there abouts) every day.
I also got a bit wrong in my blog the other day , i assumed that i was banished from the bedroom the other night because i was snoring, well it was actually because i was jiff ling and moving about , and i apologise for my lack of accuracy.........Anyhow i was quite happy at the end of this early start, even if i didn't get an extra snuggle, because if i hadn't have risen then i wouldn't have found this time slot to blog on here.
Daughter turned up yesterday, she is thinner than ever and i have to bite my tongue in saying anything as i know ( from the past ) she will dig her heals in and eat even less. i love her to bits , and i know she loves me as well , but her priorities are still so teenagerish it is unbelievable. Yet again she has brought clothes rather than food, and things to keep her healthy. i was tempted to pack her up a food parcel and try and care for her this way, but last time she gave away the eggs and things we gave her to her flat mates , and i can not afford to feed the whole of her household and ours. She can not understand why her friends can spend the money that they earn, on themselves , and if i gently point out that it is because they live at home still she gets offended.
Her stubbornness rivals even my own at her age, if i am honest, and her giant strides to try and prove to the world she is an adult have seen her lose her education, allot of her freedom of being young, and yes, i guess her freedom as well. On the positive side she has her young man , a job of sorts, and a place to live...........so i guess all is not so bad. i just want to scope her up at times and correct all her mistakes but i know i have to let her swim on her own or i will not have the strength to rescue her when and if she sinks.
Master is good at putting me back on track after her visits, and He realises just how difficult these can be for me ...........He keeps me focused and looking forward for the most and banishes these silly thoughts from my head when i have them before they grow into giant weeds. i am glad He has taught me to look at the positive side of every situation that is about , and for the most my brain has stared to do it automatically. i am proud to report i didn't get any chalk mark yesterday so all is good there as well. i also got a compliment from my One that i write well. This meant the world to me , but i see more room for improvement , as i can not always find the words that i need to describe things.
Master's blog had a picture of a girl with a circle of red marks on her bum on it the other day, It reminded me for some reason of the film that He showed me of a girl and the paintball gun, as the red marks to my eye were reminiscent of a target ........and that led to a knot forming in my stomach as i realised that spring/summer is coming and His paint balls and gun might soon be taking an airing from the cupboard and painting my backside with delicious thuds of paint shot.
Anyhow time to take pooch out , sadly the weather is not going to be kind and it is drizzly so i doubt i will get my sun picture today. but maybe a rainbow, or something even more beautiful.
hugs and light

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

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