Saturday 28 May 2011

i want to see the sunshine after the rain

 Yesterday was a long day... the lovely weather that W/we have been having has left U/us and it is periodically raining (hard) Somehow i feel drained and low at the onset of the clouds and darkness that they bring , although the garden desperately needed a long drink of rain water. O/our flower beds have all started to come out in bloom and look wonderful., and Master drove me to a garden centre and helped me pick loads more so it is (or well be) a bright flash of colour even on a rainy day.
Still though i can not get rid of the tiredness that i am feeling in my body and self and i feel half the time when i wake in the morning that i want to turn over and go back to sleep again. There is no reason for this, i have been eating the right foods and exercising .....i have been going to bed on time , and not even managing to read my book before my eyes get to sleepy to keep awake. i can not understand why i am so worn out.
Maybe it is the general stress of the world about us , added with the lack of sunshine, but no i was tired before the rain came.
i feel guilty saying any of these things ... i have a good life with people that care about me... i guess like anything else the darkness will pass and the light will shine bright again soon... and i myself should know one can not have light without having a shadow or two
happy blogging folks

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

1 comment:

  1. Spring does this to a lot of people maybe then moon phase the planets or just peoples body i often feel tired worn in spring and autumn , so you are not alone little one, sleep well tonight .
