Wednesday, 11 May 2011

plans that go astray

The weather is over caste and muggy today, and really does not feel very nice, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying the time that i have had out and about with Master.  
This morning W/we had to deliver my father to the hospital for another mini op. i dislike hospitals , and will will be glad when W/we don't have to frequent them as much as W/we seem to have done just recently, however i appreciate the sterling job the Doctors and nurses do in making U/us, O/our families and people well again, or at least more comfortable. 
After we had left my father at the hospital, Master and i set off to get Himself a haircut and to pick up my meds from the pharmacy near home.... This wasn't so good because somehow the chemist had left half the order behind for my medicine and then Master didn't get His haircut either, as the barbers that He likes was closed for training. 
W/we did however get a lovely lunch out. Master had seafood platter , salad and chips.... ( a meal that i originally had wanted but on arrival realised that i would have preferred Masters, as there was far to many chips and battered pieces of fish  on the plate  for me to enjoy it)  i had Shepard's pie and vegetables .....( Master's choice for Himself which he allowed me to swap on noticing that i would have preferred His. ) The food was nice............i love vegetables and really enjoyed it.  It was made even more special for me because i shared that meal with a Man that i love with my heart, mind body and soul. and who loves me back. It is good knowing Master knows my body well enough to realise that i wouldn't have enjoyed the seafood as much as i did the Shepard's pie.We also got to look in some more shops after lunch, and got some other odds and ends.
i appreciate the times and the memories that i get to make with my One. The life that W/we lead is not always plain sailing , but then i wouldn't want it to be. ( i don't think there is one person that does have a smooth relationship all the time)   When it is rough, it is the small things that W/we did together today, that make it easier to find calmer waters, get back to plain sailing and straighten out plans that go astray.
hugs and light

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

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