Sunday, 15 May 2011

Which way

 While i sifting through O/our reading books and my folders the other day i came across a little gem of a quote  that i can remember being given as quite a young adult when i was learning reiki and some other crafts that i practice .Well not so much of a quote but  a statement .

What is the way

The way is your daily life .. it is awakening your mind and seeing your true nature. It is letting go of the attitudes and expectations of others so that you may enter the stream of your own destiny, flowing with the wellspring of all possibility. It is a life that sunny or cloudy brings joy to your days .. a life where you do what you like and like what you do by being who you are and not what others have dictated. The way does not ask us to be what we are not, but to be more fully of what we are.

i spent along time thinking about it's meaning when i first heard the above piece of writing, and i guess you can make it as complicated or as simple as you like , but i really did look at myself and decide what parts of me i liked and what parts i didn't. i looked at the way i behaved around others , and whether i was true to what i believed in or not. ( now here i am not just talking about aspects of my life , i am talking about me as a whole package. not just snippets ) and i tried to be a person that i would want as my best friend. 
So who am i and what is my true nature ? Would i still want to be my best friend if i met me now?
i think yes i would .....If i had have asked myself this question about five years ago , quite possibly ( well definitely ) i would have had to type  a different answer on this page.
i am saffy a mum.... i will always be this now. 
i have had the honour to give birth to five children, and gained two more by default from my Master. Two of  the births  were miscarriages.but they  were and still are part of the tribe i call my family. ( and thye live on in my memory) The children are young adults now , carving their own path in the forest of life....but i will always be their mum and they will always be my children. I love all seven of them with my heart, and i am proud to say i am a parent. i dont always agree with the ways they do things, and sometimes they have had me in tears with their behaviour, but equally they make me smile and laugh .... so i am balanced. 
i am saffy a Wiccan
Yes my love of nature and energy feels comfortable with being this way. i get sad at times at people's attitudes when they know the path that i follow with my religion, however over time i have learnt that it is their problem , and not mine. i see nature at work all about me, and i feel the pulsing energy.  i can only hope that in time the people that matter to me will realise that i don't worship the devil.... i don't believe in him...i am not evil but i do believe in balance and you have to have dark to reflect the light. Note though i also follow the Wiccan creed if it harms none then do what you will.......easy to say.... not so easy to do. 
i am saffy my Masters slave.
i am so proud to be His and i hope that i can teach the world about with my actions that being who i am is not something that he has bullied me into. It is not about play and having the hell beaten out of me , it is far deeper, and has a balance that keeps me safe and secure. i still have a mind but to be true to myself and the way i am i choose to submit to Him. It is not always easy, but life has taught me if you have two leaders and no one left to follow very soon we get lost.
i am saffy with dyspraxia
i get my left and right in  a muddle , i have the worlds worst memory, ( or so it seems to me at times) i find it hard to learn to do things , that perhaps others take for granted. i find depth perception really hard to judge, and i could go on listing all the aspects of dyspraxia that i have. ( btw cassie you asked me why i don't have Master's blog linked to my own....its simple i am not that good at computers and i have not yet worked out how to do this) 
i could list all the different aspects of me down here , but i won't,  i will end this bit of writing by saying that i am living and being me again now , i did have  a time in the past that i forgot to do this, i am lucky i have a Man in my life that encourages me to be whole and complete. Whose guidance and steady love and care will help me have no regrets over things i have done because He allows me to satisfy a burning desire inside .
hugs and light 

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .


  1. Dear saffy,

    you probably know this one but...

    ... it's not the journey that matters but the distance travelled.


  2. hugs.... ty for reminder .
