Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Marking the property

 While walking with the dog this morning my mind was drawn to the different ways that people mark their bins, ( it was garbage day and the path was strewn with wheelie bins waiting to be emptied) Some had stencilled their house number on, some brought stickers, some just dabbed the number in paint that was left over from decorating, and the minority had no number on at all. A couple stuck out , one was the bin with half its lid broken off , and the other was one with a delicate piece of ribbon on it.
Then my mind wandered in the ways that the various people have marked their slaves in the past, For me in the past i wore a leather collar for many years locked on and i was forbidden to remove it unless i was at the hairdresser , swimming or bathing. These days i have a delicate silver chain ( i dont do gold that well as it makes me come out in a rash) which has a silver heart on it. ( it is the most precious item i ever wear , as Master brought it for me whilst on a trip to London)
I have seen in on line chat rooms , (when been allowed to enter them and spend time in the past) the importance a girl/boy places on being able to say that he/she is collared, and can understand this to a certain extent. ( but my mind also wonders how these people would react to having to wear these in real..... i think i got away with mine because of my body art, although it did draw looks from people sometimes.....)
Then i think about the other discrete marks Master has given me during the time i have been collared to Him , i loved having his initials carved in my buttocks , and then there are the numerous bruises and welts from the canes , floggers and paddles.All hidden but ....aware to me because of the reminder they give me when i walk sit or stand at times.
He does not allow anymore tattoos, as the one i have covers the third of my body so this would be out, really since i have lost touch with the artist who designed it i wouldn't want anymore any how, and greater still is the reason that He has said i can NOT have anymore.  i pondered on piercings at one point and whether to be begging to be allowed a special one... but i guess that this would not be allowed as i had to remove most of mine before i was His.
Then i remember the glitch we had over  a year ago , when He went back to London and i gave Him back my silver heart and chain, i was gutted that He done that but it did teach me that even though i had no visible mark on me that made me His , deep inside i was His. It was in my actual heart , engraved deeply and binding me to Him tighter and deeper than any other mark ever could. I couldn't remove it, and nor would i want to . i love Him
i also love my heart and chain..... but like most bins with their marks , this can be removed, the mark of ownership and love that i have in my heart cant .....i am blessed.
Have a good day all
((hugs saffy))

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

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