Sunday, 12 June 2011

i am an orange

 One of  the most wonderful fruits that i can remember having as a child was an orange. For some reason we only used to get them when it was Yule, as a pose to apples, pears plums and an abundance of soft fruit  that was always there when it was in season. See i had the privilege of growing up on a fruit farm, and enjoyed the many riches that were to be sampled by raspberries , strawberries , currants etc as they ripened but oranges were special.
Special to me because we didn't have heaps of them, and they remain so today. (though come to think of it we didn't get bananas that often either, but i never felt the same pleasure of them as i do citrus fruit.)
So why am i fixated on blogging about a bit of fruit tonight ... Well, i guess it is symbolic as part of a ritual ,being it is a piece of fruit i  peal and then share with Master.....There is something quite submissive in being able to offer Him a bit of the fruit that actually reminds me of so many childhood  memories of happiness , kind of like sharing the happiness with Him.
Another reason would be that it is a little like sharing one of the first plants that i managed to grow from a pip....( see i thought that maybe i could grow a tree and have an orange orchard like the apple ones that surrounded our house.........i was only young) Trouble is how ever beautiful it was to grow it was not going to survive outside in the cold winter climates in the UK.
i suppose also that i look at that simple fruit as a whole, but when you peal back the skin it is divided into neat little segments, a bit like all the different areas of my submission to Master......Each part making me whole when joined together. And you know what ...? i like being whole , juicy, a bit sharp at times , and on occasions a few pips that have to be removed before you can go on enjoying the tangy fruit.
So i leave with this thought and wonder what fruit you would be

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .


  1. What type of fruit would i be , well that's a strange question .well given some thought about 0.2 sec .i think i would be an apple not just any apple but a granny smith ,why i hear you ask or rather snigger ,yes i hear you , well im english through and through sometimes a bit sharp ,hard skinned ,but softer at the core, and if left alone ferment into something better ,lol yep ALCOHOL .

  2. giggles and thinks about You bring a Granny.......but there again they are my favourite apples.
