Thursday, 20 February 2014

 Sometimes in life , you get a great big kick up the bum when you least expect it. For the last couple of weeks my emotions have been all over the place , i can not think of the last time that my brain felt this mushed , and to be quite honest i don't want to. The reason...... In my thoughts it is because i have had to stop taken a fairly hefty dose of medication that the Dr discovered that i was allergic to ( one in 5000 people are that take it apparently) And of course now my body is adjusting and trying to get back to normal whilst also trying to battle the man flu from hell .
Add this all together and what Master has got is the brat from hell that keeps swinging back and fourth. It doesn't make me feel any better knowing that eventually i will level out, because i know when i go and have the blood tests the likely hood is that i will end up having to take a different brand of medication and then i will have to have time to readjust to it yet again. Topped with this with the fact that the whole household has been poorly with the same flu bug including Master , you may see that He and everyone else that comes near me is getting a tough time.
Master deals with illness by going to bed and trying to sleep it off , i cant , because i will not allow my body that luxury ( and if i did i might not be able to move the silly joints so well at the end of it ) and so i try to find things to keep my idle mind busy. It doesn't always work.... i still drift backward and fourth, but i cant stop the patterns that the body is working on. That and coupled with the fact my mind is always going through things that i think that i aught to be doing and i worry that i am making myself unlovable and ungirl like.
i guess the thing to do as Master has told me is try to focus on the good things and not allow the realms of doubting my abilities to creep in, to try not to do to much and to stop trying to punish myself , it is not me the drugs will leave the system and then peace will reign again.
This girl would like to apologise for the temporary blips that are going on in your life soon they will smooth themselves out and normality will appear.
take care everyone

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .

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