Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Today has been a day where i wish i could have slept it away.. There could have been several reasons for this but i just refuse to focus on them at the moment. Instead i think that i will focus on the positive things. i am still about and i haven't managed to stuff up in a major way today, although there has been several blips :( .  i managed to make time to make bread this morning and the rolls did rise beautifully.... so why is it that i have this little niggling doubt in the back of my head that wont go away.
i know that i have to redo blood tests tomorrow and last time the nurse who took the blood was not the best and dug the needle about loads.. i know that i feel as if i am not getting my projects done much at the moment... do to feeling  so rough and tired.... and i know i am not coping with the reaction that i seem to have got with the med change last time that is still not going away.
Master is brilliant at reassurance and making me laugh and i am trying not to dwell on things .. so i think i will go and create more things like knitting or sewing.
Have fun all

the light of a candle is never lessened by lighting another .


  1. Just sending many hugs you're way!

  2. Thank you mouse i really needed this, (((hugs)))
